Here at Bearded Bee Works we pride ourselves on our local, raw, and unfiltered honey! We are located on the southwest side of Nashville, Tennessee. Our wildflower honey comes straight from our hives to your table without over heating or filtering. This provides the most natural and healthy product for you and your family.
Hager’s Hot Honey
$7.00 – $15.00 -
Wildflower Honey
$7.00 – $14.00 -
Bourbon Pecan Creamed Honey
$7.00 – $14.00 -
Maple Creamed Honey
$7.00 – $14.00 -
Cocoa Creamed Honey
$7.00 – $14.00 -
Cut Comb Honey
$22.00 -
Gray and Black Hexagon Patch Hat
$26.00 -
Gray and Black Rectangle Patch Hat
$26.00 -
Beard Balm
$15.00 -
Beaded Bee Works Tee Shirt
$26.00 – $29.00 -
Beeswax Lip Balm – Mint
$4.50 -
Solid Lotion Bar
We provide high quality nucleus colonies raised right here in Middle Tennessee. Each colony will have a fresh queen mated the spring of purchase, three frames of brood, and two frames of resources. We raise our own queens and select for gentleness, honey production, and hardiness. We have very low winter loss rates and our bees are conservative with food stores. Nucleus colonies are for pickup only. We are unable to ship nucs. Choose local pickup in shipping options. A 3% fee will be added to nucs purchased with a credit card.

Nucleus Colony

Where to find us!
Nashville Farmers Market
900 Rosa L Parks Blvd
Nashville, TN 37208
Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays March-December
Nashville Fair
September 6-15, 2024
Pumpkin Fest- Main Street, Downtown Franklin, TN
October 26, 2024 10 am- 6 pm
Tennessee Honey Festival
Nashville Farmers Market
900 Rosa L Parks Blvd.
Nashville, Tn 37208